Did you say Freeride?!

I don’t know what to say… !

We had soo much fun at the Freeride competition! Eventhough I felt like a nervous wreck at the start, I was filled with such an adrenalin rush after my run which l haven’t experienced for a long time! It even lasted until the next day and the whole experience felt amazing. But on the second day something happened. The weather was not that good and the halfpipe was closed and because we’ve had soo much fun at the competition it seemed like nothing else that day could compare, it felt really depressing. So much we decided to sign up to the next Freeride Qualifier on the tour! On Sunday, April 5th I and Ulrika will take part in another FWQ15 here in Tignes, France. Keep your fingers crossed for us!FWQ15, Isabel Mattsson, Ulrika Celsing, Freeride, Ski for fun, Do it for fun, Ski, Smile,

Ski for fun or stay home!

Ett svar till “Did you say Freeride?!

  1. Sitter mätt o belåten på tåget efter en underbar dag o god MAT mums mums. Önskar dig också en sån upplevelse på din nästa tävling KRRRrrraaaaaaM ✊👍😜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😻🐾💙🌺

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